Happy International Women’s Day!
Microhematuria or microscopic haematuria is a common diagnosis which we see in medical reports whenever a patient goes for their annual health check-up.
Microhematuria or microscopic haematuria is a common diagnosis which we see in medical reports whenever a patient goes for their annual health check-up.
Microhematuria or microscopic haematuria is a common diagnosis which we see in medical reports whenever a patient goes for their annual health check-up.
A vasectomy is a form of male birth control that involves a surgical procedure that stops the supply of sperm from entering the semen.
We often associate kegel exercises with pelvic floor exercises that are meant for women only. But this is certainly not the case.
Can sex cause Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)? We answer your frequent questions here.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) is something we commonly hear about, but do we really know much about it? Dr Tan Yung Khan, Dr Koh Li-Tsa and Dr Tricia Kuo answer your burning questions about this.
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men in Singapore. The conventional radiation treatment for prostate cancer has a risk of injuring the rectum due to the close proximity of the rectum to the prostate.
For the longest time, infertility would often be related to a woman’s problem. With increasing awareness, we often hear of “Male Infertility” these days. What is male infertility? Male infertility is a condition in men associated with the inability to conceive a child.
Kidney stones are one of the most common urological conditions. In this article, we go through the basics of kidney stones.
It is a misconception that a virgin will never contract a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Surprised? Let us first take a closer look at the tiny organisms which are responsible for so much human suffering.
As men become more health conscious, more attention has been given to Men’s Health. It is crucial and useful for men to understand their health risks and the impact of lifestyle choices on their health. As always, prevention is better than cure.
Doctors go through years of training in order to be competent and qualified to meet your medical needs. Specialists go through fellowship training as part of their specialty training.
Doctors go through years of training in order to be competent and qualified to meet your medical needs. Specialists go through fellowship training as part of their specialty training.
Doctors go through years of training in order to be competent and qualified to meet your medical needs. Specialists go through fellowship training as part of their specialty training.
In the next few blog posts, we will find out more about our doctors at Urohealth Medical Clinic. Doctors go through years of training in order to be competent and qualified to meet your medical needs.
Nocturia is a condition where one wakes up in the middle of the night to urinate. It is a highly prevalent problem which affects both men and women of all ages.
Seeing blood in urine is distressing. It can have many causes, some more serious than others. It is essential to consult your doctor as blood in urine, also known as haematuria, is never normal!
Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in males between the ages of 15 and 40. Although testicular cancer is very treatable, with cure rates of almost 100% for early stage cancers, and at least 85% for more advanced cases, early detection is important.
A diagnosis of prostate cancer is a major life-changing event that brings social, psychological, physical, and financial challenges. Other than the support from family and friends, a multi-disciplinary team is working closely together to coordinate the care of patients with prostate cancer.
As part of Prostate Cancer Awareness month, I would like to address some common but very important questions relating to prostate cancer. I hope that this will be useful for you. What are the causes of an elevated PSA blood test? Unfortunately, Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) is not a sensitive blood test for detecting prostate cancer, because a number of benign conditions can result in elevation of PSA levels.
Bladder cancer usually affects older people, with a sharp increase in incidence after the age of 55. These patients are often smokers and usually have
It is often devastating for men when they find out that they have prostate cancer. When the cancer is localised within the prostate (i.e., ‘no
Technical modification of Robot-Assisted Radical Prostatectomy for prostate cancer improves recovery of continence after surgery In men diagnosed with prostate cancer that is localised to
Nobody wants a prostate biopsy. However, men are recommended to undergo a prostate biopsy if they are deemed to have a higher risk of having
While I was reviewing the latest research on prostate cancer, the majority were on different surgical techniques, medications, and radiotherapy. But I stumbled upon an
There has been a renewed interest in the use of vaccines in disease prevention in recent years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. What most people
Prostate cancer is globally the second most common cancer in men. It is also the fifth leading cause of cancer death in men. Global cancer
At Urohealth Medical Clinic, we use Urolift and Rezum water vapor therapy to treat many patients with prostate enlargement. Why is that? Are these our
Patient A was suffering from frustrating urinary symptoms with retention of urine and an overactive bladder. Dr Tricia Kuo, who subspecializes in functional disorders discussed
Mr C was referred by his general practitioner (GP) for incidental finding of an 8mm kidney stone on ultrasound. Due to the possibility of the
Prostate cancer affects 14% of men in Singapore. This incidence is slowly growing. When picked up early from screening PSA it can easily be treated
We are in the midst of a global pandemic from COVID-19. Apart from social distancing and masks, many people are looking into how they can
Do you know that infertility is quite common? Up to 15% of couples will experience infertility. Infertility is defined as inability to achieve pregnancy after
Kidney stones are a common problem in Singapore. Up to 10% of Singaporeans will develop kidney stones in their lifetime. What is even worse is
So you have been diagnosed with prostate enlargement and its causing you all kinds of urinary issues like a slow flow, dribbling, sudden strong sensations