A vasectomy is a form of male birth control that involves a surgical procedure that stops the supply of sperm from entering the semen. During surgery, the surgeon cuts and seals the tubes that carry sperm called the vas deferens. This form of birth control is considered to be permanent.
A vasectomy reversal can be performed that can undo the effect of a vasectomy. By reconnecting the vas deferens, sperm is once again allowed to travel from the testicles to the sperm. As easy as it sounds, vasectomy reversal success rate is not 100%, it ranges from 40% to 90%. Factors determining the success rates include how long ago the vasectomy was done, the amount of scar tissues left behind, hormone levels etc.
It is recommended that patients who may want children in future to consider other forms of birth control as a vasectomy reversal may not be the most ideal option in family planning.