Happy International Women’s Day!

International Women’s Day acknowledges the contributions of women. In Urohealth Medical Clinic, we are so proud to have two female consultant urologists and we celebrate them everyday! On this special occasion, we had a little chat with them, Dr Koh Li-Tsa and Dr Tricia Kuo, to find out more about what motivates them and how we can have better urology health as women.

What was the reason behind choosing urology as a specialty given that it is a rather male dominated specialty?

KLT: Urology appealed to me because of the minimally invasive nature of its surgeries and because I was fortunate to have a welcoming department to train with.
TK: I enjoyed my urology posting at Singapore General Hospital (SGH) and was inspired by my seniors. They passed down to me the ethos of doing all we can for our patients. This is my guiding light in my practice till this day.

What is the biggest misconception about female urologists?

KLT: Female urologists only treat female patients!
TK: To add to that, that we are less capable with bigger operations. I do think these misconceptions apply to female surgeons in general, not just female urologists.

What motivates you everyday?

TK: My desire to improve someone’s quality of life even if it is just a small change. There is more to life than just surviving.
KLT: My family, friends and patients. I am so blessed to have a wonderful team to work with and a job that I find meaningful and enjoy!

What are common urological conditions that female patients face?

TK: Female patients do encounter more chronic conditions like Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) and incontinence. Some conditions like stones are fairly common in both genders.
KLT: Half of all females will experience Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) and about 20% will experience recurrent UTI. This can really affect the quality of life of the sufferer. Fortunately, we are able to treat and help most women overcome this condition.

How can we improve our urology health as women?

KLT: One should try to drink about 1.5L of water a day and maintain good hygiene and toileting habits. See a doctor early if you suspect you have a UTI as prompt and adequate treatment can help to prevent recurrence.
TK: Education and increasing urology health knowledge is key. Social media is an ally in this aspect but can also be a double edged sword if the information online is inaccurate.
“Behind every great woman… is another great woman.” – Kate Hodges

Happy International Women's Day!